深度感測技術在復建的使用情境User Senarios of Depth Sensing in Rehabilitation



一直到初代Kinect 360問世之後,才輕易的將這兩個問題有效的解決。能夠在單一感測器的前提下,完成了全身姿態的動態量測,但又能夠有效的與電腦或任何數位化設備互動。爾後的十幾年間,隨著軟體技術與硬體技術的成熟,包括了更精確的空間解析度(可以看得更準確),或是適用於更繁複的場景(AI訓練模型的優化),抑或運算的效率讓行動裝置也能夠簡易使用。







同時間,各國也有Traveling Physiotherapist, 也就是到府的治療師/照服人員,由於他們兼具了醫療各方面的任務,帶著開立的課程到案家家中,也是目前常見的應用。

利用步態早期檢測失智症?Unveiling the Link Between Gait and Dementia: A Path Towards Early Detection



這項開創性研究追蹤了630名75歲及以上的社區居民六年,將他們分為三組:失智、認知完好或可能表現出阿茲海默症、血管性失智症、錐體外失智症或以上各種組合的預臨床階段。值得注意的是,偵測到步態和運動減緩相結合的認知障礙參與者,被確定為最容易在研究期間(六年)內發展為失智症的人群(OR 5.6; 95% CI 2.5-12.6)




In the realm of medical research, every breakthrough holds the promise of transforming lives. Today, we delve into a profound study shedding light on the intricate relationship between gait abnormalities and the onset of dementia. As an aspiring entrepreneur in the healthcare sector, this revelation paves the way for innovative solutions in gait analysis, with the potential to revolutionize early detection methods for dementia.

Traditionally, assessments for preclinical dementia predominantly revolved around cognitive measures, particularly focusing on memory functions, often to predict Alzheimer’s disease. However, the Sydney Older Persons Study has widened our perspective by incorporating non-cognitive clinical markers into preclinical definitions, enhancing their predictive power significantly.

This groundbreaking study followed 630 community-dwelling participants aged 75 or older for six years, categorizing them into groups: demented, cognitively intact, or possibly exhibiting preclinical phases of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, extrapyramidal dementia, or various combinations thereof. Remarkably, participants displaying cognitive impairment alongside gait and motor slowing were identified as the most susceptible to dementia progression over the study period, with odds ratios (OR) of 5.6 and 3.3 for dementia incidence and mortality, respectively.

Moreover, the study findings challenge conventional assumptions regarding the correlation between white matter indices on MRI scanning and gait abnormalities, revealing inconsistent associations. This underscores the need for simpler, more accessible tools for gait assessment in clinical settings.

Indeed, the implications of this research are profound. Simple measures of gait may serve as invaluable clinical tools, offering clinicians an additional dimension for predicting dementia onset. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ongoing quest to uncover the underlying nature of these deficits. As enthusiastic entrepreneurs in the healthcare landscape, we’re poised to embrace this challenge, driving innovation to decipher the complexities of gait abnormalities and their implications for dementia.

In essence, this study ignites a spark of inspiration within the entrepreneurial community, signaling a call to action. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary collaborations, we can harness the potential of gait analysis to redefine the landscape of dementia detection and intervention.

Verghese, J., Derby, C., Katz, M., & Lipton, R. (2007). High risk neurological gait syndrome and vascular dementia. Journal of Neural Transmission, 114, 1249-1252. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-007-0762-0.











香港理工大學(理大)上週五(11 月 3 日)舉辦「賽馬會智齡匯」計劃成果分享會,我們香港的夥伴Kerry Medical受邀在論壇中分享HappyGoGo在「賽馬會智齡匯」示範院舍的應用與對長者們的幫助。






頭の傾き: 頭の傾きは、片側の首の筋肉が他の側よりも緊張しているためかもしれません。このような姿勢を長時間続けると、首のこりや痛み、頭痛の原因となる可能性があります。頻繁に携帯電話をチェックすることや、画面の位置が不正確であることが、一般的な原因として考えられます。

肩の水平: 肩が不均衡であることは、一方の肩や上背部の筋肉が緊張していることを示している可能性があります。この姿勢を長時間続けると、背中、肩、首の痛みの原因となる可能性があります。長時間のコンピュータの使用、重い物を持ち上げること、または不均衡な運動トレーニングが一般的な原因として考えられます。

腕の角度: 腕が過度に曲がっている場合、それは肘や手首の過度な使用を示している可能性があり、筋肉の痛みやこりの原因となる可能性があります。長時間のタイピング、筆記、または他の繰り返しの動きが原因となる可能性があります。

足首の距離: 足首の距離が狭すぎると、立っているときの安定性に影響を与え、転倒のリスクが増加する可能性があります。足首の距離が広すぎると、下肢の圧力分布が不均衡となり、脚の痛みの原因となる可能性があります。

骨盤の傾き: 骨盤の不均衡は、一方の臀部や腰の筋肉が緊張していることを示している可能性があります。これは、腰の痛みや下肢の機能障害の原因となる可能性があります。不正確な座り方、長時間片側に立っていること、または足の怪我が一般的な原因として考えられます。

胴体の傾きの角度: 胴体が前傾している場合、背部の筋肉が弱く、腹部の筋肉が緊張していることを示している可能性があります。胴体が後傾している場合、腹部の筋肉が弱く、背部の筋肉が緊張していることを示している可能性があります。これらの状況は、腰の痛みや不快感の原因となる可能性があります。長時間の座り方、不正確な持ち上げ技術、または筋肉の不均衡が一般的な原因として考えられます。



Posture Assessment: Indicators and Common Causes

Assessment of body posture can be observed from several aspects:

Head tilt: Head tilt might be due to one side of the neck muscles being tighter than the other, causing the head to lean to one side. Prolonged posture like this may cause neck stiffness, pain, or headaches. Frequently checking phones or incorrect screen positions may be common reasons.

Shoulder level: Unbalanced shoulders might indicate that the muscles of one side of the shoulder or upper back are tighter. Maintaining this posture for a long time can lead to back, shoulder, or neck pain. Prolonged computer use, lifting heavy objects, or unbalanced exercise training could be common reasons.

Arm angle: Excessively bent arms might indicate overuse of the elbows or wrists, which can lead to muscle pain or stiffness. Typing, writing, or other repetitive motions for long durations might be the cause.

Ankle distance: A too small distance between the ankles might affect standing stability, increasing the risk of falls. Too large an ankle gap might result in uneven pressure distribution in the lower limbs, possibly causing leg pain.

Pelvic tilt: An imbalance in the pelvis might indicate that the muscles on one side of the buttocks or waist are tighter. This could result in lower back pain or functional disorders of the lower limbs. Incorrect sitting posture, prolonged standing on one side, or foot injuries might be common causes.

Trunk tilt angle: A forward-leaning trunk might indicate weakened back muscles, with tighter abdominal muscles. A backward-leaning trunk might indicate weakened abdominal muscles and tighter back muscles. Both situations might cause lower back pain or discomfort. Prolonged sitting, incorrect lifting techniques, or muscle imbalances could be common reasons.

After all, human observation is subjective and requires the accumulation of experience. But with the assistance of computer vision AI, details can be observed accurately, and values can be directly digitized.

Of course, the above evaluations provide some basic indications of body posture. As mentioned, to determine specific health issues or symptoms, a more in-depth clinical assessment is needed. If there are symptoms of pain or discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor or therapist early.

AI 應用於復健/高齡





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Patient who needs GaitAnalysis, and how to evaluate

Musculoskeletal conditions:
Patients with musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis or back pain may benefit from gait analysis to identify issues such as poor posture or gait imbalances that could be contributing to their condition. Gait analysis can also help determine whether a patient’s walking or running technique may be putting excess stress on joints or muscles, which could be contributing to pain.

Musculoskeletal conditions can affect a person’s gait in various ways, depending on the specific condition and its severity. However, some common gait parameters that may indicate abnormalities in individuals with musculoskeletal conditions are:

Step length: Individuals with musculoskeletal conditions may have reduced step length on the affected side due to pain or weakness.

Cadence: Cadence refers to the number of steps taken per minute. Individuals with musculoskeletal conditions may have a slower cadence due to pain or difficulty with movement.

Foot strike: Foot strike refers to the point at which the foot makes contact with the ground. Individuals with musculoskeletal conditions may have an altered foot strike pattern due to pain or limited range of motion.

Joint angles: Musculoskeletal conditions can affect joint range of motion, leading to altered joint angles during gait. For example, individuals with hip or knee osteoarthritis may have reduced hip or knee flexion during gait.

Ground reaction forces: Musculoskeletal conditions can alter the distribution and magnitude of forces acting on the foot and lower extremity during gait. Gait analysis can measure these forces to identify abnormalities and guide treatment.

Neurological conditions:
Patients with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis may experience gait abnormalities that can affect their mobility and increase the risk of falls. Gait analysis can help identify these abnormalities and develop treatment plans to improve gait and reduce the risk of falls. For example, gait analysis may help determine whether a patient would benefit from assistive devices such as a cane or walker, or whether specific exercises or physical therapy may be helpful.

some common gait parameters that may indicate abnormalities in individuals with neurological conditions are:

Step length: Individuals with neurological conditions may have a reduced step length due to weakness, spasticity, or ataxia.

Cadence: Individuals with neurological conditions may have a slower or variable cadence due to difficulty with movement control.

Foot drop: Foot drop refers to the inability to lift the foot during the swing phase of gait, which can result in tripping or falling. Individuals with neurological conditions may have foot drop due to weakness or spasticity.

Timing and coordination: Neurological conditions can affect the timing and coordination of gait, leading to an abnormal gait pattern. For example, individuals with Parkinson’s disease may have a shuffling gait and reduced arm swing due to bradykinesia and rigidity.

Gait variability: Individuals with neurological conditions may have increased gait variability, meaning that their gait parameters may vary more than usual from step to step. This can be indicative of instability or impaired motor control.

Injury recovery:
Patients recovering from an injury such as a knee or hip replacement may benefit from gait analysis to monitor their progress and ensure that they are moving correctly to avoid further injury. Gait analysis can also help identify any issues with mobility or gait that may be hindering recovery, so that appropriate interventions can be made.

Weight-bearing asymmetry: Injury recovery patients may have reduced weight-bearing on the affected limb or side, resulting in reduced step length and cadence on that side.

Kinematic changes: Injury recovery patients may have altered joint angles and ranges of motion during gait due to compensatory movements or changes in biomechanics.

Muscle activation patterns: Injury recovery patients may have altered muscle activation patterns during gait due to changes in neuromuscular control.

Ground reaction forces: Injury recovery patients may have altered ground reaction forces during gait due to changes in weight-bearing or altered biomechanics.

Pain: Pain can significantly affect gait parameters in injury recovery patients, leading to altered step length, cadence, and joint kinematics.

Children with gait abnormalities such as toe walking or flat feet may benefit from gait analysis to determine the cause of their condition and develop appropriate interventions. For example, gait analysis may help determine whether physical therapy, orthotics, or other interventions may be helpful in improving gait and reducing the risk of future issues.

gait analysis is typically used to identify abnormalities or deviations from normal development. Some common gait parameters that may indicate abnormalities in children are:

Step length: Children may have reduced step length due to neuromuscular or skeletal abnormalities.

Cadence: Children may have a slower or variable cadence due to developmental delays or neuromuscular disorders.

Foot position: Children may have an abnormal foot position during gait, such as toe-walking or in-toeing, which may be indicative of neuromuscular or skeletal abnormalities.

Joint angles: Children may have abnormal joint angles during gait due to neuromuscular or skeletal abnormalities.

Muscle activation patterns: Children may have abnormal muscle activation patterns during gait due to neuromuscular disorders or developmental delays.

Overall, gait analysis can be a valuable tool in identifying issues with gait and mobility in patients with various medical conditions, and developing appropriate treatment plans to improve function and quality of life.

It’s important to note that gait analysis is individualized and tailored to each patient’s specific condition and needs. A thorough evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional is necessary to determine which gait parameters are most relevant for each individual patient.

Overview of Gait Analysis Techniques and Their Applications

There are several different technical principles used in gait analysis, including:

  1. Motion capture systems:
    Using multiple cameras and sensors to capture three-dimensional position and posture data of human movement, analyzing gait features and abnormalities. moden technology enable a single depthsensor camera to capture necessary three-dimensional position and posture, it is convenient and easy to use.
  2. Pressure-sensitive floors:
    Placing pressure sensors on the floor to measure foot pressure distribution at different parts, analyzing gait features and abnormalities. Some more information may be provided such as shear force. This is widely used in research laboratory in Taiwan.
  3. Accelerometers and gyroscopes(wearable):
    Measuring body motion acceleration and angular velocity by placing sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes at different body parts, analyzing gait features and abnormalities. It takes some time and experience in installation. Some patient might be fatigue during the process, under the condition of have full body information.
  4. Electromyography (EMG): Measuring the electrical signals of muscle contraction and relaxation by placing electrodes on the muscle, analyzing gait features and abnormalities.
  5. Single RGB camera:
    Using a regular 2D camera, such as those found on mobile phones, and the latest computer vision AI algorithms to analyze posture. By assigning distances in the real world and deducing the possible distance from the camera via the ratio between selected joint distances, gait features and abnormalities can be analyzed. This method is low-cost and convenient, but may have limitations in accurately measuring gait parameters due to the lack of concrete 3D information.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, motion capture systems are considered the most accurate method for measuring gait, but they are expensive and require specialized equipment and trained personnel. Pressure-sensitive floors are more affordable but have limited portability and may not be suitable for outdoor use. Accelerometers and gyroscopes are relatively low-cost and portable but have limitations in measuring gait abnormalities. EMG can provide information about muscle activity, but it requires placing electrodes on the skin, which can be uncomfortable for some people. Infrared sensors are non-intrusive and easy to use but have limitations in measuring certain gait parameters.

Overall, the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of the gait analysis application and the trade-offs between accuracy, cost, portability, and ease of use.

In conclusion, gait analysis is an important tool in assessing and managing gait abnormalities and related conditions. There are various technical principles used in gait analysis, each with its own advantages and limitations. The choice of method depends on the specific needs of the application and the trade-offs between accuracy, cost, portability, and ease of use.

At LongGood MediTech, we are committed to providing cutting-edge digital rehabilitation solutions for our customers. Our flagship product, GaitBEST, is a motion capture system designed specifically for gait analysis. It offers accurate and reliable results, while remaining affordable and user-friendly, making it an ideal solution for hospitals, elder care centers, and other healthcare facilities.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing excellent customer support and ensuring that our products meet the needs of our clients. We believe that by providing accessible and effective digital rehabilitation solutions, we can make a positive impact on the lives of individuals with gait abnormalities and related conditions.

With our expertise and commitment to innovation, LongGood MediTech is poised to lead the way in digital rehabilitation and gait analysis. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.